Take Back the Knife

Amy Wilson is “Jett”. Ashley Nickell is “Vixen”. Emily Rochester is “Barbie”.
When three girls head out for a relaxing weekend in the woods, their plans are ruined by a crazed killer set to pick them off. What their attacker doesn’t know is that they’ve survived this kind of thing before… and this time they’re ready for a fight, and blood is going to be spilled, because these girls are done with running from their demons!

Directed by Matt Storc.

5/5 A fun indie horror romp. I love this feminist take on revenge and the effects it has on us all. – Debra Sullivan, co-writer of Texas Chainsaw 3D and co-writer/star of Secret Santa.

5/5 Indie horror must watch! It’s a fun low-budget horror flick that every genre fan is sure to enjoy. Definitely a must-watch that you’ll recommend to all your friends and fellow slasher/gore/horror/etc. Fans. – Jennifer Kunkel, producer of Killer Pinata

Take Back the Knife is one hell of a debut… I loved every minute of it. I was in no way prepared for the final 15 minutes, which honestly left me in tears. If you like Slashers with a healthy dose of comedy and a hefty dose of darkness then I highly recommend Take Back the Knife. – Charlie Cargile – pophorror.com